Loyalty | Selfless Service | Integrity
Jeremy is a retired Iraq War Veteran, Purple Heart recipient, husband and blessed father who is an At-large Councilman in the City of Stow, Ohio. Jeremy and his wife Claire have lived in Stow since 2011 where they are raising their 3 beautiful children Lorelai, Sadie Jo, and Maximus.

Jeremy grew up in neighboring Cuyahoga Falls with his parents Tom and Debbie, and his brothers Josh and Jason. It was during his childhood where his father instilled in him and his brothers their patriotism and love of country. From kindergarten through high school, Jeremy attended school in the Cuyahoga Falls School District. Throughout his youth, Jeremy participated in multiple sports from little league baseball and track and field, in high school, Jeremy competed on the football and wrestling teams through his sophomore year. Jeremy graduated from Cuyahoga Falls High School in 1998 and immediately moved into the workforce.
Jeremy has had the opportunity to work in many areas from fast food, retail, manufacturing, to construction as a union carpenter. Upon a layoff in 2004 Jeremy’s journey into public service began when he enlisted in the United States Army. Jeremy enlisted as an infantryman and completed both basic and infantry training at Fort Benning in Georgia. Upon graduation Jeremy was among a few selected to attend Javelin Gunnery School.
During his time on active duty, Jeremy served with the 1st Batallion-38th Infantry Regiment, 4th Stryker Brigade Combat Team as a part of the 2nd Infantry Division. He was stationed in Fort Lewis Washington where he received numerous awards and was also recognized for his achievements when he won a Battalion Soldier of the Month Board in 2006.In 2006 Jeremy served with his unit as a part of Task Force Blaze fighting wildland fires in the Okanogan National Forest in Winthrop, WA, for his service to this task force, Jeremy was awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal.

In 2007 when then President George W. Bush ordered a surge in troops, Jeremy served as 1 of 20,000 additional troops deployed as a part of Operation Iraqi Freedom where his unit was awarded a Meritorious Unit Commendation. During his Iraq deployment, Jeremy spent time in Baghdad and Baqubah from April 2007 to June 2008. In July 2007 while serving as a part of a Quick Reaction Force, Jeremy’s vehicle was struck by an Improvised Explosive Device sending him and other soldiers to the hospital for treatment. In September 2008, Jeremy was Honorably Discharged from active duty and continued his service in the Ohio Army National Guard as a squad leader with HHC 1st Battallion-145th Armor Regiment at the Stow Armory on Allen Road. Jeremy served honorably in the National Guard from 2008 until May 2014 at which time he was medically retired from injuries sustained during his active-duty service.
In the fall of 2009 while still serving in the National Guard using his GI Bill benefits Jeremy enrolled at the University of Akron where he studied Construction Engineering Technology. During his time at the university, Jeremy was a stay-at-home dad with his oldest daughter Lorelai and his wife Claire worked so he could focus on his studies. Jeremy credits the success of his undergraduate studies to the patience and understanding of his wife. In 2013, Jeremy graduated with his Bachelor of Science Magna Cum Laude and prior to graduating he accepted a position with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) as a transportation engineer.
In 2013 Jeremy continued his public service with ODOT, as a transportation engineer, he administered public works project for the department. In his 5+ years with ODOT he served as a steward of the taxpayer’s trust administering multi-million dollars in transportation contracts. In 2018 Jeremy continued his stewardship of taxpayer’s money to the private sector where he works as a Senior Project Manager for a private consulting and engineering firm. He exercises this stewardship by acting as a liaison to various local governments and agencies throughout Northeast Ohio and West Virginia while administering construction contracts. Public or Private, Jeremy is truly a steward of the taxpayer’s trust.
In the Spring of 2018 wanting to expand on his experience of working for the public, Jeremy enrolled at Kent State University to work toward his Master of Public Administration (MPA) Degree. Jeremy’s graduate studies focused on public personnel management, strategic planning, public budgeting and financial management, and program evaluation. In May 2020 Jeremy and his wife Claire both graduated from Kent State with their MPA’s.

for his first term on Stow City Council
In January of 2019, Jeremy announced his candidacy for Stow City Council At-Large, and in 10 months’ time built a successful grassroots campaign. he personally knocked on over 6,000 doors across the third largest City in Summit County. On November 5, 2019, in a six-way race fighting for three seats, when the polls closed, it was clear that his grassroots message resonated with the voters. Jeremy went from having never been heard of, to the top vote getter in a city-wide race. Jeremy’s strategy was simple. He listened to the people and refused to be outworked.
Jeremy is an enthusiastic and highly motivated individual who has a clear understanding of the role and responsibilities associated with being an elected representative. Having the ability to provide support to residents, Jeremy can establish, develop, and maintain effective working relationships with his colleagues.
Jeremy possesses a broad range of technical, personal effectiveness, and leadership strengths that he has applied while serving on Stow City Council. Jeremy brings a commonsense approach to government by using conscientious judgement and logic to come up with practical solutions to challenging problems.
“I look forward to the opportunity to represent the residents of Boston Heights, Hudson, Munroe Falls, Silverlake, and Stow on Summit County Council. I will bring my knowledge and expertise in tackling challenges and making a difference to the future of District 3. As a military veteran and public servant, I know what it takes to serve something bigger than myself."
Jeremy McIntire